Four times during the year, in the months of February (Spring), May (Summer), August (Fall), and November (Winter), you can join the seasonal organizing challenges. Together, over two weeks, we work to get more organized – just in time for the next season! These free quarterly challenges will inspire you to live your life more intentionally and purposefully.

Click below to access each of the seasonal organizing challenges.
For complete details regarding the challenges, scroll down this page.
Happy Organizing!
The OC is simple. You are provided with 10 mini daily organizing projects to work on over the course of 10 days (5 days per week, Monday-Friday). The daily projects are designed to only take 10-15 minutes per day, and you also have three daily project options to choose from. You can mix and match the projects from day-to-day and the projects are varied from season to season.
Step One: Save the Date!
These are the dates reminders will be posted on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Remember…the dates are only suggested, you may always choose whichever 10 days work best for you!
- Spring OC: February
- Summer OC: May
- Fall OC: August
- Winter OC: November
Step Two: Join the Fun
Join the challenge by simply checking the MWM OC Seasonal Pages (listed above) and choosing the 10 days which will work for you to tackle your organizing projects.
Step Three: Plan your Steps
- Block out your calendar, if you are serious about completing the 10 projects, plan now.
- Grab a friend to join with you! You can chat back and forth and hold each other accountable. Maybe even help each other out?!?
- Print off your (free) printable below and get to planning your projects!

“The OC gives small projects that are often overlooked but can create chaos if left unchecked.” ~ Mary
“It’s amazing how setting a timer can help you to get so much done! ~ Rachel
“I joined the challenge because I needed to know how to organize in short periods of time. I have a 6 month old daughter and time is limited. I never knew I could get so much done in just 15 minutes! I plan to keep using these tips and ideas to keep my house clean!” ~ Shonnon
“It motivated me by knowing that others were doing the same thing!” ~ Jenny
“Working on small projects within small bursts of time helped me to be able to better stay on task. I’ll continue to keep doing the challenges each season. Thank you!!! ~ Becca