Nobody puts baby in the corner. But we sure do put A LOT of pantries in the corner. I laughed when some good friends texted me that they needed some "Morganizing." These are two highly effective, and in my humble opinion, very organized people. However we all have our little areas, don't we? … [Read more...] about Organized Corner Pantry
Friday Fab Faves – Kitchen Finds
Happy Friday! I had a great week. Not as productive as I would have liked, but lots of good memories. Some of the highlights were a lunch for a friend's Birthday, seeing my daughter's school performance, attending our second marriage small group, a little yoga, Bible Study and a tennis lesson. … [Read more...] about Friday Fab Faves – Kitchen Finds
Menu Planning – Part Three
Menu Planning….some weeks I'm really on top of it. Other weeks not so much. My main focus is to keep our kitchen stocked and to have a loose plan so I don't find myself asking, at five o'clock, "what am I going to make for dinner tonight?" That is just never a good situation to be in. I have … [Read more...] about Menu Planning – Part Three
Friday Fab Faves – IKEA
I've been to IKEA twice in the last two weeks. I consider shopping there a mini workout because I end up walking for what seems like at least an hour or two. I am finishing up my office so I have been in the market for a few more items. I love that IKEA has so many great options for home … [Read more...] about Friday Fab Faves – IKEA
My Organizational ABC’s
Organizing does not need to be complicated. I like to think about how a Preschool Teacher sets up her classroom. She has a basket for the lunch boxes, hooks for the coats and cubbies for the paperwork. Not complicated. Simple. Systems that are easy for three to five-year olds to follow. These … [Read more...] about My Organizational ABC’s
10 Tips – Healthy Holiday Eating
It can be really hard to stay on track when it comes to when, what, and how often you eat. Especially during the holidays! Temptation can be lurking around every holiday party or gift exchange. Knowing that this is a reality, I'm sharing my ten tips that can help you to avoid the temptation of … [Read more...] about 10 Tips – Healthy Holiday Eating