While I love the shift to the warmer seasons, I often find it more challenging to keep up with my menu planning and cooking. The lazy days of summer can lead to well, laziness. However, I know with added intentionality I can succeed in this area! I’m personally working to stay more motivated with my menu planning, I want to rise to the challenge. Yes, cooking is a chore and a daily one, but it’s an area where you and I can not only survive, but thrive. Here are my top 10 meal planning tips to try implementing (today!).

Meal Planning Tips
Tip #1: Shop on a consistent day each week (or bi-weekly).
Avoid shopping without a plan or without a routine. When you get on a schedule and follow a pattern, it will save you time, energy, and money. Decide how often you need to shop (weekly, bi-weekly, or…) and then follow this as consistently as possible.
Tip #2: Keep a running list of things (you need) to buy.
Have a place where you and your family members or roommates can jot down things that either you need. This will help to minimize mental clutter and ensure things are purchased and restocked.
Tip #3: Schedule time to prepare your menu plan and compile a grocery list.
A plan and list are the foundations to a successful week of cooking and eating. Whether digital or on paper, this step (like #1) will also save you time, energy, and money.
Tip #4: Do regular inventory checks of your refrigerator and pantry – ideally when making your shopping list.
Inventory checks help you to avoid buying duplicates (and triplicates) and also help you to see what needs to be used prior to expiration dates. Know what you have and use what you have.
Tip #5: Create time and margin to put away groceries and do a reset of your kitchen, pantry, and refrigerator.
The entire shopping experience is a process! Allow adequate time when you return home to put everything away. Decant and recycle as much packaging as possible and rotate older products forward etc. This step is essential to keeping your food inventory organized.
Tip #6: Schedule one night a week (or two) to order take-out and/or go out to eat.
If this is possible for you, it can add relief and also be something you look forward to! Friday night pizza or take-out from your favorite Mexican restaurant are not only fun experiences, but also means no cooking OR cleaning up!
Tip #7: Consider delegating the cooking to others.
My kids are now older and we recently started having them each cook dinner one night a week. This has been a game changer! They pick the recipe, I buy the ingredients, and then they cook and clean up the entire meal. Not only is it a benefit to me and my husband, my kids are learning how to really cook. We’ve enjoyed everything from homemade ravioli to vegetarian lasagna.
Tip #8: Plan one night a week that is either OYO (On Your Own) or LO (LeftOvers).
Depending on your family dynamics and ages, On Your Own may not be an option, but Leftovers always are. This helps to not only clean out the fridge, but also gives the cook a night off!
Tip #9: Try making one new recipe a week.
Changing things up helps keep things interesting and you just might discover a new recipe that you love!
Tip #10: Divide up the kitchen cleaning duties.
Maybe this means the cook doesn’t have to clean up or maybe this looks like everyone pitching in to get the dishes washed after dinner. Whatever works best in your home will definitely help with the daily chores of cooking and cleaning.
Is it possible to survive summer and the meal planning that comes along with it? Yes it is!
Delegate where you can, follow a plan, and try a new recipe now and then. Make it less of a chore and more or a challenge.
Happy Organizing & Happy Summer!
And if you are looking for a great recipe book, check out my ebook in my SHOP. You can thank me later! ๐