Well, our house is feeling smaller, messier, and more lived in. With a year of ALL of us home ALL of the time (or so it has felt!) things have become somewhat undone.
Can you relate?
This past year has been like nothing most of us have ever experienced before. And while I’m sure we’ve all learned a lot and we’ve grown, to say it hasn’t been challenging would be the understatement of the year!
If your schedule feels more stretched or your home feels more chaotic or you’re just plain overwhelmed – I get it.
Embracing a Messy House
My confession – which is hard to admit as someone who helps others organize and tidy up – is that my house is a mess! This isn’t to say that things aren’t somewhat organized or that the wheels have completely fallen off, but it does mean that our home needs a super deep clean, a huge reset, and well…some room to breathe!
Thankfully, some of our normal life activities have resumed and the house is getting some much needed breathing room. So, next up on the list is to time block some time into my schedule and address the list of what at this point could be called “spring cleaning.” But in reality, it’s more of an overdue “deep clean.” It’s time to address the baseboards, blinds, and more!
Wherever you, and your home stand today, my encouragement is to continue giving yourself grace as you keep taking steps forward.
Life is unpredictable and messy. Which yes, has a ripple affect on the spaces we call home. Therefore, learning to welcome this challenge rather than letting it undo us is key. When we embrace the realities that life is fluid and requires flexibility, it can immensely help with both our attitudes and aptitudes.
I’m cheering you on as you embrace your messy house, schedule, or life! If you’d like further encouragement, check out my book Take Back Your Time.
Happy Organizing!