Last month, I titled September – “Streamline September.” I don’t know if this was because this year has made me want to take a new look at my life or if I just needed to step back and reevaluate things. Whatever the root cause, I had this overwhelming desire to streamline and simplify (everything).
During September, while reflecting and processing, I was reminded of three ways to save time. Three specific practices that I am more than aware of, but ones that I don’t always practice. (You too?)
Therefore, in my attempts to streamline and simplify, I decided to make the choice to recommit to these principles. When you go back to the basics and follow practices that work, you most often experience the benefits of said principles. Funny how that works…
Let me share them with you, in case you too have felt the nudge to relook at how and where you spend your time.
No. 1: Gatekeeper
I love planning, scheduling, and goal setting. However what I continue to realize is that in order to plan well, schedule intentionally, and reach my goals, I have to most importantly be a consistent and purposeful gatekeeper with my choices and commitments.
So, moving forward with “Streamline September” or now maybe I should call it “Organize October,” I’ve written a list of 10 things that I’m choosing to step away from or adjust my level of involvement. These are a variety of commitments, some small, some big. But are all changes that I’d like to make in order to build more margin into my life and schedule. (Margin is good.)
Just writing the list was life giving! I encourage you to try it. 🙂
No. 2: Guardrails
In other words, boundaries. Yep, you knew I was going there! We all struggle with boundaries. We get pulled and pressed into doing things or saying yes or responding even when we’re not available.
For me, guardrails around my time can look like minimizing notifications on my phone and setting boundaries for when I’ll check email or social media. Technology can be a super time saver, but also a really big time thief. Using guardrails naturally guards how you and I spend our time. It does take a deliberate effort but it is oh so worth it. You’ll feel a sense of peace when you put the necessary boundaries in place and then stick to them.
No. 3: Go!
Often what I need to do is just “go!” What I mean, is that I need to finish folding that load of laundry, taking that stack of recycling out, or responding to an email. Instead I stay stuck in my head. Mulling over all of the things that I need to do. All of it piling up into a cluttered mess in my mind which results in me feeling confused about how or where to start. Then I feel as though I’m spinning in circles and I can’t get started. But the best thing I can do is just that, start. Pick up one project (the smaller the better) and see it to fruition. Get it done. Check the box, close the circle.
When you and I follow these three ways to save time, we’re guaranteed to experience less stress and more productivity. Ultimately, more peace and more purpose. Implementing these tips can have far reaching effects on the amount of time, energy, and resources we have available.
Let’s be available in our lives and with our time by being good gatekeepers, using guardrails, and remembering to go!
Want more time management tips and tools? Check out my book, Take Back Your Time.