There are approximately eight weeks left in 2019! My hope is to encourage you to finish strong! To end your year with a sense of peace and purpose.
One way to keep on mission with this goal, is to seek intentionality. And, guess what? I’m here to help! I have several tips and tools to help motivate you each and every day. Let’s not let the holidays slow your roll!
Organizing Challenges
It’s that time again! The Winter OC (Organizing Challenge) starts next week. I designed the Organizing Challenges to help you target small organizing projects around your home. You can find ALL of the info HERE. It’s also a fantastic way to get more prepared and organized for the holidays.

The MWM Podcast
The winter podcast series launched this week and I’m thrilled to share some beautiful guests with you. What a line up! For all of the show info, head over to The Morganize with Me Podcast page. As a reminder, the episodes are only around 15 minutes. This is to help complement and encourage you as you work on decluttering and organizing. (Maybe within the OC – hint hint?)

Goal Challenge
What helps you to reach your goals? One word – accountability.

Sign ups for the 2020 Goal Challenge will begin 12/4/19. This upcoming challenge is your guide to help with taking back your time and making the most of 2020. Within the Goal Challenge you will be coached and inspired to look ahead, signal your intention, and commit. There will be email reminders, monthly check-ins, tools, strategies, and much, much MORE. I can’t wait for you to join me and to walk through 2020 intentionally together.
If you have not joined the MWM community, be sure to do so! I’ll send you a copy of my eBook, 10 Tips to a More Organized Life, as my little thank you.
Happy Organizing!