This week marks the first week of fall! Yay! Which also means it’s time for me to share ten things I’m loving. If you didn’t see the earlier 2019 faves, you can see the spring top ten HERE and summer top ten HERE.
Also, if you want to take a look back at my 2018 faves click below:
- Ten Spring Favorites HERE
- Ten Summer Favorites HERE
- Ten Fall Favorites HERE
- Ten Winter Favorites HERE
Today it’s all about my Fall Favorites and some of the pictures link to Amazon (affiliate link) for easy reference and/or shopping. These things are not necessarily related to “fall,” just the current things I’m enjoying.
Fall Faves – Top Ten

No. 1: Chaos Cleared
Chaos Cleared makes these ultra-light weight, foldable, premium quality storage bags. They are perfect for storing all kinds of linens and are machine washable. I use them in our guest room closet to store extra decorative pillows and blankets. (I have a decorative pillow problem, anyone else?)

No. 2: Reclaiming Home
This book is a must-read for fall. My friend, Krista wrote it and it is SO good. She shares how to be more intentional in your home and with your family. Ultimately, how to build community and connection. I’m re-reading it and working to implement many of her inspiring ideas.

No. 3: Get Your Pretty On
I have recommended GYPO before but I feel that at the beginning of the fall I need to mention it again. Alison has Style Challenges each season and takes the guesswork out of getting dressed. She provides daily outfits and ideas for how to wear what with what. If you want help with styling and streamlining your closet, this is it! She also has an accessory line with gorgeous jewelry pieces as well at Alison and Aubrey.

No. 4: Plato’s Closet
My kids are into up cycling or buying second hand clothes which I think is fabulous. Especially because of how much waste there is with clothing in America alone.
“A new survey found that the average American will toss out 81 pounds of clothing this year. That amounts to 26 billion pounds of textiles and clothes ending up in landfills — but it doesn’t have to. 95% of it could have been reused or recycled.” (source)
I’ve actually found four pairs of designer jeans that each fit me perfectly and were each under $20! I encourage you to consider second hand when you can, it’s a great way to save money and also help save some of the waste that might otherwise affect our earth.
No. 5: LunchSkins
Ok, I was skeptical. But these are amazing! You guys, they are dishwasher safe. That is huge! And the prints are soooo cute. This is another easy way to go a little greener around your home. You can find them here on Amazon.

No. 6: Shelving Hardware
I recently added three shelves to my office. I’ll be sharing them finished and styled soon on Instagram. But I wanted to share the industrial hardware with you that I found, aren’t these fun? There were easy to install and then I just added boards from Lowe’s that I stained. Love the look. What’s on your DIY list?

No. 7: Simply Spaced
You’ll want to add this stunning book to your Amazon cart. You can pre-order it today and you’ll be so glad you did. (It releases 10.8.19.) Monica, a professional organizer, and stunning person, teaches you how to implement her systems in your own spaces. I recently heard her speak and could not have been more impressed or more inspired by her.

No. 8: Plants
So…I’m not really a plant lady. I tend to either over water or under water them. You too? But I’ve added two plants lately (thanks to The Nester, for telling me I should) and I’m finding that they bring me joy! It’s the little things.

No. 9: Podcast – Business Boutique (with Christy Wright)
Christy Wright is a business coach. I read her book a few years ago and just recently discovered that she also has a podcast. So, yes, I’m listening to it every chance I get. If you have a passion to do something or a dream you’ve been wanting to pursue, she’s got GREAT business and goal tips. Highly recommend.

No. 10: The Home Sort – How To Summit
I just returned from a whirlwind trip to CA where I had the privilege of joining with over 100 other professional organizers for a summit with the sorting sisters from The Home Sort. IF you have an interest in this profession I highly recommend the event. They already set a date for the next summit!!! Or, if you are in another profession, I encourage you to find your community. It is SO life giving to surround yourself with others who are working on the same things you are.

Ok, that’s the top ten. Thanks for following along, reading, and listening. Remember, seek intentionality, each and every day.
Happy Organizing!