Fall is full of fun isn’t it? We’re back to attending Saturday soccer games and wearing our Duck colors to support U of O on their game days. Not to mention trying all of the pumpkin spice flavored treats you can find this time of year. I love it!
I snapped this picture of my sister, Haley’s mantel. I love her taste and style. Perfection.
Like I mentioned, in my Top Ten – Spring Favorites and my Top Ten – Summer Favorites, I want to share more of my favorite things with you. From organizing, to good reads, to simple tips and tricks. I’ve decided a fun way to do this is that each season I’ll compile a list of my current top ten favorites and pass them on to you!
So…here we go, happy fall y’all!!! Here are my Top Ten – Fall Favorites…
No. 1: Day to Night – Handbag Insert
I have seen these around and one day while shopping at TJ Maxx I broke down and bought one. I frequently switch between my purse, work bag, and gym bag and using an insert like this has been such a time saver. And, yes, it helps to keep me organized! Happy dance!
No. 2: M&M’s (Pumpkin Pie)
Ummm…yes please. If you like sweet, you’ll probably like these too!
No. 3: New Chairs
I posted a picture of this chair on Instagram when I spotted it furniture shopping and y’all liked it and told me! So, yes, thanks to you – we bought two. I had been on the hunt for a high back set of chairs for our Master Bedroom. Viola! They work perfectly! I’ll share some more pictures soon of how they are now styled and such.
No. 4: Apple Watch
My husband, David is an incredible gift giver. It’s clearly his love language, which is great for me! When I received some fantastic news in July (I’ll be sharing more about this when I can), he surprised me with an Apple Watch. I really like it because it allows me to not be checking my phone as often and I’m able to keep track of my time more easily when working with clients.
No. 5: Strengths Finder Book 2.0 (From Gallup, Tom Rath)
I found this book very interesting. You need to buy your own copy if you want to take the test, which I think is worth it especially if you want to learn more about yourself. The test scores your top five strengths and explains how to best apply your strengths and also how to work with others who have different strengths. I had some great takeaways!
No. 6: Home Depot
We’ve been going to Home Depot a lot recently, purchasing everything from plants to ceiling fans. And recently when we had a complete mistake with a large order, they were fantastic with helping us get it corrected. The went above and beyond service wise and really helped us. I’ve always like Home Depot and felt I needed to give them a shout out for being so great to work with! We’re going to begin finishing our basement starting in just a few days and knowing that I can count on great service from them is awesome!
No. 7: Emily P. Freeman’s Podcast
I’ve read several of Emily’s books and I really like her calming and encouraging style. She started a podcast recently called “The Next Right Thing.” I think it’s a great one to consider adding to your play list. I love that they are on the shorter side and I find them very inspirational.
No. 8: Maybelline Super Stay 24 Color
Basically lipstick that never comes off! I recently purchased two colors from Target and I do find that they laaaaaaast!!! If you need a lipstick that stands the test of time – this is a good one. I’m wearing #146 “Constant Cocoa” most days. Or you could consider #35 “Keep It Red” – if you are looking for some sass and spice all in one! ๐
I met Micah at a conference a while back and I completely adored her. She has an incredible story and is an intentional encourager. I’m halfway through her story and I’m loving it. If you are looking for an inspiring read, add this to your list, Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World.
No. 10: Amy’s Meals…
So…I buy a couple of these a week and I love them. I’m not a big fan of frozen meals generally, but I find that Amy knows her stuff. These work great for a quick-lunch. Go Amy!
Thank you for reading and organizing with me! I’m so grateful for you and your efforts to live more intentionally. If you do not already subscribe to MWM – please do so – it’s the best way to stay in the loop. Click here to subscribe and join the tribe!
Especially because I’m working on something really cool and hope to have it out very, very soon! xoxo
What are your current favorites? What is your favorite thing about fall? Have your tried the pumpkin pie flavored M&M’s?
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Happy Organizing!