Taking time for self-care is something I’ve been guilty of not doing nearly enough, even though I know it’s incredibly important. When I create time to take care of myself, I’m increasingly able live my life with more intention.
However, what often keeps me from living intentionally, is the reality that I’m trying to “do life” on an empty tank.
Can you relate?
Life for all of us can tend to get chaotic. Which is exactly why prioritizing time for your self-care is essential. When you take better care of yourself, you have more energy and stamina to help as you respond to the chaos that life brings.
Self-care time is that time in which you are focusing on activities that fill your tank. Activities that help you to restore, recharge, and refresh.
So, how do you find time for self-care?
# 1 – Plan
Look closely at your schedule. Where do you already have some margin built into your calendar that could be used for your self-care time? Purposefully look for ways to prioritize time for your self-care. Schedule it on your calendar as a commitment, as an appointment that you can’t cancel.
And be realistic about how much time you need to take for your self-care, don’t try to cut corners!
# 2 – Prepare
Once you’ve planned time for self-care, the next step is to prepare that time for success.
Do you need to make a standing appointment for your monthly pedicure? Buy a new journal for your gratitude and prayer time? Download more podcasts for your walks? Tuck the kids in even earlier so you can take a nightly bath before bed?
#3 – Protect
After planning and preparing, you should create a hedge of protection around your self-care time. You should unplug from all of your other roles within your designated time. Use healthy boundaries and communicate well with the people in your life about your time that is committed to your self-care. The exact amount of time is going to be up to you. This will be based on what you need. Some weeks you may need more time for self-care than other weeks.
Plan, prepare, and protect your need for self-care. When you do, you will set yourself up for self-care success.
Tell Me: How are you doing with your self-care? Do you make it a weekly habit? What helps you to keep the time protected?