By this time next week, I will hopefully be busy unpacking boxes and sorting through everything that was all packed up for us in May. Yes, that’s right, we’ve been living the past four months with basically just the stuff we packed with us on the plane. While in some ways this is refreshing, in other ways it can be pretty annoying too. Especially when you don’t have something you need, like a three hole punch. Or when you realize that you should have packed “that” pair of shoes.
Before we packed out, I was diligent about decluttering every inch of our home, and I’m hoping this will help me when it comes to the unpacking and organizing side! However, even though I like to declutter (nerd alert), I still find myself getting stuck with decluttering from time to time. I am definitely guilty of falling into a trap of just moving things around, versus actually dealing with them. Or holding onto things when I no longer have a purpose to keep them. Can you relate?
Thankfully, I’ve learned through trial and error, and many hiccups too, that there are three essential questions you should ask yourself when decluttering. These three questions help to make your efforts effective so you can more easily declutter your home and life.
Declutter Your Home & Life
Question #1 : When was the last time I actually used this?
If you have a hard time answering this question, you may have answered your decluttering question right off the bat! Don’t keep things (in general) that you don’t use at least once a year. There are of course exceptions, but in general things you keep, should be things you use.
Question #2: Will I really need this “someday?”
Often you hold onto something because you think you’ll need it someday. So ask yourself honestly, if you will really use this item someday. If so, make a purposeful plan. If not, don’t keep it if you know deep down it will not be a part of your future.
Question #3: What is the cost of keeping this?
Every single item you own requires something from you. Really question if the dynamic of keeping your item exceeds the demand of keeping it. Count all of the costs of the things you want to keep, store, maintain, and use. The cost should always reap a good reward and/or benefit.
Efficient decluttering helps to minimize your stuff, versus simply shuffling your stuff from place to place. I challenge you with an overarching goal to have less stuff in general, whether or not you are moving! When you have less stuff you have more time and less stress.
Everything counts, so make sure it counts if you keep it.
Also, if you have any tips for me, rather it be, where to find good light fixtures, how to manage the punch list with the builder, or even decorating…I would appreciate any and all tips! This is the first time we’ve bought a new home and we are definitely rookies. 🙂
Happy Organizing!