I’m happy to report we are successfully packed and the move is coming together pretty well. Not to say the moving part hasn’t had its share of stresses, but for the most part everything is coming together as planned. Yay for planning! (And going with the flow too.)
As I’ve been in a continual organizing and cleaning mode for the past month, I wanted to highlight some great tricks surrounding how to keep all of the end of the year school paperwork organized.
Because, if you are like me and you have kids walking through your door with mounds of paperwork, oversized artwork, clay creations, broken pencils, dried up paints or whatever else they’ve managed to shove into their backpacks all year, it can be really overwhelming!
I’ve got some tips to help you avoid the tendency to want to toss all of those precious pieces into a drawer (or drawers) while saying to yourself, “I’ll deal with these on an upcoming long, lazy summer day.” (Yeah right.)
The best time to get (and stay) on top of all of the memory and school stuff, is now! I’m talking about report cards, treasured art pieces, class pictures, awards, memory items, and the like. Because having kids equals having stuff. Here’s three easy tricks to help you to control the chaos, I mean stuff.
Trick #1: Designate one memory box per child.
Trick #2: Designate one file box per child.
Trick #3: Designate one “school” book per child.
- When you add to a box, file or book, make sure to do a little mini-purge. Often your (or your child’s) desire to keep certain things will change over time, so as you add, also do a little subtracting.
- Make a goal to really address these three areas once a year. They can all too easily become a chaos holder, versus an organized holder!
- Model to your kids how to value memories without having to hold on to every single thing.
I also wanted to share, you can join the Summer Organizing Challenge at any time! The Seasonal Organizing Challenges are now open to everyone all year-long. These are one of the best ways to tackle and organize small areas of your home in small amounts of time. The philosophy is simple (of course) 10 minutes, 10 days, 10 projects! To start getting more organized for Summer click right over HERE.
Happy Organizing!