Here is the final room, our Living Room. I’ve been slooooowly showing you our current Beach House and this is our last stop. Thanks for sticking with me on this bumpy ride!
Let me start by saying we really “LIVE” in this room. It is not the traditional, stay out of this room kids, type of room. Every.single.morning. I am tidying up this room. I love that my kids feel at home, most of the time, even if it means pulling socks out of the couch cushions and stacking cups to return to the kitchen. I want our home to be their safe haven, always.
Welcome to the Living Room Reveal!
Our Living Room is a room that we use often. We crash in here as a family, entertain around the coffee table, and we’ve even held small worship services with our friends.
We’ve yet to build a fire, but we like to look at the fireplace. This room is connected to our Dining Room.
We have a TV in that tall armoire.
All style, no function.
I’m planning a future post about that armoire in the background…stay tuned!
I’ve talked before about how I organize a bookshelf. I’m already in super purging mode as we plan for our upcoming move this summer. So as I look at that bookshelf, with my Kon Marie glasses, I realize that our bookshelf needs a BIG over haul! #atleastweonlyhaveonebookshelf
The catch-all basket above for remotes, and my Quiet Time books below.
And that concludes the tour of our Beach House!
Home sweet home.