I’m an anti-paper proponent. I’ve even been known to throw out gift cards, unknowingly of course. (This just happened recently – whoops!) If something paper related is left lying around, it usually makes its way pretty swiftly into our recycling bin.
My husband even writes a code on things that says – DNTA – “Do not throw away!” Ha!!!
As part of my anti-paper movement I’ve come up with a few simple solutions for the paper that I DO have to hang onto. In this new series I’m going to cover ALL things paper organization related. I’m breaking it down into a few posts so that I can better focus on separate areas of paper organization.
Today I’m covering all of the in & out paper. Things like bills, permission slips, and paperwork. All paperwork that is “in process.”
In my office I have set up two file trays for all of the paper that comes in. The paper that needs a “holding place.”
In File Tray #1 – I have one tray assigned to my hubby, one to me, and one is our “to file” tray. The trays for my hubby and I are things we are currently working on, such as active paperwork items. I handle the finances, so any bills that need to be paid are put into my file tray. We keep our receipts in our wallets and then weekly reconcile everything with our bank and Quicken program.
I really like these IKEA file trays because they slide out individually so if you want to focus on one tray at a time, you can simply remove it.
File Tray #2 – is assigned to my ABC’s – in that order. 🙂 They each have a tray for their school paperwork that I want to file away into their Memory Boxes.
These are also great holding spots for permission slips or anything that my kids want to hang onto for one reason or another. I’m in the habit of keeping a close eye on their trays in the case of meeting deadlines.
The best piece of advice for the in and out type of paper, is to make a consistent habit of only touching each piece of paper once, or as minimally as possible.
Make that your habit. Keep it simple, by sorting and filing things away as quickly as possible.
*KISS – Touch paper only once, and you’ll save yourself so much time!
Next time I’ll be sharing with you my filing system which I recently overhauled. My organizing is a constant work-in-progress! Stay tuned.
Happy Organizing!!!