Life has changed for the Tyree household, here is why…
We drove two hours north this past Saturday to pick up our new 7-month baby (or puppy) named Olivia Magie. Her full name (Portuguese style) is Donna Olivia Magie Hope Gloria de Quimbra Tyree. I may have forgotten a name or two, but you get the general idea. We allowed the kids to help with her name. 🙂 But at home she is just Olivia or Liv.
This picture was taken almost a month ago when we went to pick her out. The kids realized quickly how much fun a dog is! (We haven’t had a dog in over 11 years.)
This was Olivia’s sister. Berkley liked her A LOT too. But one dog is good for us!
So the weekend was full of getting used to having a dog. Little things like getting her to go up and down the  stairs. At first this was overwhelming for her, but now she’s gotten them down. The kids wear her out and I love that! I’m spending a lot of time googling things like “how to teach your dog to stay” and “how to crate train” – it’s like my new mommy brain is having to be re-activated.
As of today she is somewhat house-trained, sleeps through the night, knows not to come into the kitchen and sits on command. We have a lot of work to do, but she is so fun to be with. She is my new side kick and I’m so grateful to have this new addition. The kids love to play with her and then spend a lot of time snuggling with her too. I love watching Berkley read out loud to her, dog books of course.
Life is better with our Liv!
See you back here Friday for another Fabulous Organized Friend feature, it’s going to be a fun one!