I asked.
You answered.
I really appreciate each of you who took the time to fill out my survey. It really does give me more insight and perspective as to what you are looking for from me. I love reading your individual comments and hearing more from you. Please know that I am always open to feedback and welcome it anytime.
AND the Giveaway Winner is Carol!!! Congratulations!!! (Happy shopping at my fave store – Target!)
Now, on to the results. Like last time, it was extremely positive and super encouraging, which I think you all know are two of my goals here on MWM. So thank you for carrying on the warm fuzzies. 🙂 I’m just an easy-going girl who has a thing for keeping things in order and likes helping others to better balance their lives.
MWM Topics
(Ranked High to Low)
1-Home Organization
2-Family Organization
3-Organizing Challenges
4-Home Tour
6-Healthy Habits
7-Family Life/Travel
8-Friday Fab Faves
9-Exercise Essentials
10-{M}organized Fashion
What should I start/continue doing?
-Organizing Posts
-Time Management Tips
-Offer Personal Training Services (I offer consulting HERE for PO & PT)
-Recommend Books for Winter Break
-Guest Posts
-More Info about Living Abroad
-Meal Plans
What should I stop doing?
Welllll….one reader told me that I need to stop smoking. Agreed.
Oh wait…I don’t smoke! If you follow me on instagram I made a joke about how I have picked up drinking wine and coffee while living in Portugal. But smoking has yet to draw me in. Ha! So this “stop” is already checked off!
The only other “stop” that I received was regarding the {M}organized Fashion posts. I truly appreciate the candid feedback and had noticed it as well based on the ranking of topic posts. So that series will not continue, which was already on my list as a big maybe for 2015. The only part about this particular feedback that I didn’t appreciate, was the reference to my body size in reference to the {M}organized Fashion posts.
First and foremost, the two things that I have been criticized for most in my life (from the teen years to present day) are my body size and my attention to detail (or what one might call organized). And I really feel, that for the most part, I’ve learned to accept these two criticisms.
But I want to be candid with you as well.
My point, if I can only get one point through on this little platform that I have, is this – STOP COMPARING.
So, please from the bottom of my heart. Love yourself, accept yourself. There can be so much negativity between women, and I just think it is so unneccessary. We should be each other cheerleaders. I’m not perfect, you’re not perfect, nobody is perfect.
When someone has a gift, talent, strength (whatever you want to call it) that maybe you don’t feel that you have, choose to compliment the person, in an encouraging way. It takes courage to encourage and when you can recognize someone else’s strength it shows your own strength! And, we should keep in our minds that we never really know the journey of another person.
Please know, I am not bothered by the “stop” request of {M}organized Fashion, just bothered that there is some comparing happening. My goal here is to help each one of you to simply be the best version of YOU! xo
What do you want to see in 2015?
Loved all the feedback!!! Here are the top trends that kept popping up!
-Time Management, Scheduling,
-Menu Planning
-Organizing the Home
-Balancing Mom Life & Home/Work Life
-Workout Plans
-Organizing the…Car, Garage, Storage Areas, Kitchen, Bedroom
-Organizing Kid’s Stuff
-My Life Abroad & More about Portugal Culture & People
-Wellness for Women
-Quick Organizing Tasks
-Home Management Binder
-Real Life Examples (doable and for the average person)
Alright – 2015 is going to be a FABULOUS year here on MWM! I am thrilled to continue to develop this blog into a resource for like-minded people who want to live with intention.
Not perfection just intention.
I am excited to plan out each month in 2015 to represent exactly what you all have asked for from me. Please know that your support means the world to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!