While many of you are well into the swing of the New Year, I am not.
We have had two weeks of sickness in this house, ugh! Although I think that I can safely say we are moving into a healthy zone again.
Due to the plague hitting our house I am behind on putting away Christmas, behind on my January purge, and just today started back to my “flexischedule.” Like a “flexitarian,” I’m flexible with it. It’s OK though. I gave myself some slack last week and I told myself to just treat this week as my first week of the New Year! So, now I am raring to go! But before jumping too far ahead I want to highlight two goals that I set last year and share with you my results.
First, I set a goal to read 25 books. I came close. 21 books and two e-books. Also, I need to note that I joined a Book Club which has been awesome. However, I did not pick all of those listed books. I have learned from this experience to carefully read reviews before buying and committing to reading a book. And, that I don’t like Science Fiction. Oh wait, I already knew that.
Secondly, I wanted to make recycling a habit in our new home. We don’t have curbside service or a drive through drop off. So it took me months to emotionally and physically prepare for this weekly task. Thanks to IKEA I have met this goal.
I’m an Oregonian and you pretty much start recycling when you learn to walk. So the fact that it took me until December to reach this goal is p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c.
Here is my excuse. I have to haul ALL of it in my car (once a week) and then sort it and drop it off. While not impossible, it is not fun. It is messy, dirty and with a family of five we have a lot of recycling. I feed good though, just helping minimize my carbon footprint one recycling trip at a time.
As I look ahead and plan this year, I am really excited for all of the opportunities that lie ahead. I feel blessed, even though my house is a mess!
Hoping you enjoy your day!