Change can be really hard.
I think I like change for the most part.
But…I really prefer change to be on my terms.
We moved overseas in January, and it was a really hard change for me. I previously shared over here about the challenges of my transition. It was as if my tears needed a place to land and my heart needed a way to process all of the mixed emotions. At the time I was hotel bound, and dealing with sick kids. I didn’t have a car, and I felt as though I had completely lost so much of my identity. I had a hard time understanding why I was in this new place, a new place that we were needing to call “home”.
It has now been six months.
A lot can change in six months.
I have moved from a place of sadness and frustration to a place of gratitude and appreciation. If I had never moved here, I wouldn’t have learned all that I have during these last months. And, it has opened my eyes to what else God might have to show me during my time here.
This change wasn’t my idea at all, but I was open to the idea and I am now glad that I trusted.
Without this experience I would not have learned all that I have and/or will.
Today, six months in, I am focusing on being thankful, and grateful.
I think when you try new things, growth is unavoidable.
Change is hard, but change is good.
Can you relate to a time when you tried something new and later you were grateful?