As school wraps up, it is a great time to sort through the school memories that have been flooding through your door over the past nine months. I have a sweet little system that has helped me to organize all of the fun school memories in a really simple way.Thanks to my mom, I have one of these books from my own school years. I knew I wanted to find a similar version, and low and behold, a few years ago I found these School Memory Books through a Scholastic Book Order. Thank you Scholastic!!!
The books are an easy way to collect all of the pictures, and report cards in one place. There is a spot for the current year picture and a page that your child can fill in on their own or with some help. It is a great way to have a snapshot of each school year. The book covers Preschool-6th Grade.

Managing Memories – School Memories
1-Create a School Memory Book (or buy something Pre-made like the one I displayed above)
This is where you place anything that ties in with each grade.
2-When adding to your School Memory Book, also do a purge. 🙂
For examples: I only save the year end report card, rather than each quarter’s report card. I only put the best pictures in the sleeve. I organize this without the kid’s help.
3-Try a “Save the Date” – at the end of the school year when you update each grade’s page.
Looking for more organizing ideas for your home? Head here.
Happy Organizing!!!