Episode 110: Have What You Value
In today’s episode I share all about what I learned and re-learned in 2023. And how my takeaways from last year have helped me to better redefine what I value and prioritize.
From my reflections and experiences I came up with the principle – Have What You Value & Value What You Have. Isn’t that what it should be all about? But don’t we often value too many different things? Or put our attention and energies towards things that aren’t truly what we cherish and/or value?
I encourage you to do some soul work on this. Ask yourself if your calendar, commitments, and choices truly reflect your highest and most important values? And…if the answer isn’t a resounding YES – make some changes. I did and I know you can too – if you need to. Life is a gift. We need to use our time intentionally and purposefully.
Stay tuned for the next two-part series where I unpack how to organize with your unorganized partner.